About me

I finished my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the College of Information and Computer Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in the Summer of 2015. I completed my masters in 2007 from IIT Bombay and worked in Oracle India from 2007-2009 as a Software Engineer before starting my Ph.D.

I was an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science at Seattle University (SU) between fall-2015 to winter-2022. At SU, I engaged in teaching, supervising graduate and undergraduate research projects, advising undergraduate capstone projects, scholarship, and service activities. I enjoyed teaching extensively in the master's, graduate certificate, and undergraduate programs in the department.

Recently, I founded Wisdom Academy (WA), an online education academy teaching computer science and professional development courses. So far, I have published five courses related to Computer Organization, Operating Systems, and Leadership. At the time of this writing, we have 7000+ students enrolled from 140+ countries.


Teaching Scores

Average scores from Seattle University, weighted by the number of respondents:

  • 4.6/5 for all courses taught between fall-2019 to spring-2021.
  • 4.43/5 for all courses taught between fall-2015 to spring-2021.
Average scores from Wisdom Academy:
  • 4.82/5 across the five published courses as of Aug-11-2022.

Course offerings

I have taught following Computer Science courses at Seattle University since Fall 2015.

  • CPSC 2500—Computer Organization (Fall 15, Winter 16, Winter 17, Fall 17, Winter18, Fall 18, Winter 19, Fall 19, Fall 20, Winter 21, Fall 21, Winter 22)
  • CPSC 4910/5910 : Computer Architecture (Winter 16, Spring 18, Fall 19)
  • CPSC 2430 : Data Structures (Fall 16, Spring 17)
  • CPSC 4100 : Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Winter 19)
  • CPSC 5041 : Computer Systems Principles I (Winter 17, Winter 18)
  • CPSC 5042 : Computer Systems Principles II (Spring 16, Spring 18)
  • CPSC 3500 : Computing Systems (Spring 17, Spring 21)

Research Interests

My research interests lie in Smart Grids, Distributed Systems and Networking, Cyber-Physical Systems, and Sustainability. My research has broadly focused on large scale networks, smart grids, and sustainability in smart buildings. My thesis focuses on cyber-physical systems related research in smart buildings and smart grids to optimize energy consumption and to cut electricity bills. I have also worked on optimizing resource utilization in Internet backbone networks.

Honors and Awards

  • Summer Faculty Fellowship award 2021, "Does renewable and energy storage integration green the electric grid?"
  • College of Science and Engineering undergraduate summer research award 2019, "SmartPeaks: Optimizing the electricity bill in smart homes with energy storage and solar."
  • College of Science and Engineering undergraduate summer research award 2018, "Can renewables and energy storage to cut electricity bills produce a positive ROI?"
  • College of Science and Engineering undergraduate summer research award 2017, "A Case for Employing Renewables to Cut the Electricity Bill in Seattle University."
  • Seattle University Center for Environmental Justice and Sustainability Fellow 2016-2017
  • Best paper award runner-up ACM BuildSys 2014
  • Best paper award finalist ACM e-Energy 2013
  • Paper in best papers session at PerCom-2012
  • School of Computer Science Outstanding Graduate Student Award (2012)
  • Passed the PhD qualifying exam at UMASS (Portfolio) with distinction in 2012 (distinction awarded to two students).
  • Invited to Google GRAD CS Forum 2012
  • All India rank 28 in GATE (2004)
  • Certificate of Merit for being among top 0.1 % in All India Secondary School Examination in science (1999)


Google Scholar Profile

Journal Publications

  • Enabling Distributed Energy Storage by Incentivizing Small Load Shifts [PDF]
    David Irwin, Srinivasan Iyengar, Stephen Lee, Aditya Mishra, Prashant Shenoy, and Ye Xu
    ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, 2017.
  • Minimizing Transmission Loss in Smart Microgrids by Sharing Renewable Energy
    Zhichuan Huang, Ting Zhu, David Irwin, Aditya Mishra, Daniel Menasche, and Prashant Shenoy
    ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, 2016.
  • GreenCharge: Managing Renewable Energy in Smart Buildings [PDF]
    A. Mishra, D. Irwin, P. Shenoy, J. Kurose, T. Zhu
    IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special Series on Smart Grid Communications, 2013.

Conference Publications

  • Does renewable and energy storage integration green the electric grid? (In submission)
  • Multi-View Hierarchical Semi-supervised Learning by Optimal Assignment of Sets of Labels to Instances. (To be submitted.)
  • GridPeaks: Employing Distributed Energy Storage for Grid Peak Reduction [PDF]
    Yasra Chandio, Aditya Mishra, Anand Seetharam
    IGSC 2019.
  • GreenPeaks - Employing renewables to effectively cut load in electric grids [PDF]
    Raphael Luciano de Pontes, Aditya Mishra, Anand Seetharam, Mridula Shekhar, Arti Ramesh
  • Predictive Analytics for Smart Water Management in Developing Regions
    Gissella Bejarano, Mayank Jain, Arti Ramesh, Anand Seetharam, Aditya Mishra
    IEEE SMARTCOMP Smart Industries Workshop 2018.
  • WOSPF: A Traffic Engineering Solution for OSPF Networks [PDF]
    Aditya Mishra, Anirudha Sahoo, Bhavana Dalvi Mishra, and Ting Zhu
  • Hierarchical Semi-supervised Classification with Incomplete Class Hierarchies
    Bhavana Dalvi Mishra, Aditya Mishra and William W. Cohen
    WSDM 2016 (Acceptance rate: 18.2%).
  • Integrating Energy Storage in Electricity Distribution Networks [PDF]
    Aditya Mishra, Ramesh Sitaraman, David Irwin, Ting Zhu, Prashant Shenoy, Bhavana Dalvi Mishra, and Stephen Lee
    Proceedings of the 6th ACM Intl. Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy) 2015.
  • Minimizing Electricity Costs by Sharing Energy in Sustainable Microgrids
    Zhichuan Huang, Jikui Su, Ting Zhu, Ankur Sharma, Ameya Ambegaonkar, Yu Gu, David Irwin, Aditya Mishra, and Prashant Shenoy
    Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Conference on Embedded Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings (BuildSys 2014). (Best paper runner-up)
  • Scaling Distributed Energy Storage for Grid Peak Reduction [PDF]
    A Mishra, D Irwin, P Shenoy, T Zhu
    Proceedings of the 4th ACM Intl. Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), Berkeley, CA, May 2013. (Best paper runner-up)
  • Sharing Renewable Energy in Smart Microgrids, [PDF]
    T. Zhu, Z. Huang, A. Sharma, J. Su, D. Irwin, A. Mishra, D. Menasche, and P. Shenoy,
    ACM/IEEE 4th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ACM/IEEE ICCPS '13), Philadelphia, PA, April 2013.
  • EcoGrid EU: An Efficient ICT Approach for a Sustainable Power System,
    D. Gantenbein, C. Binding, B. Jansen, A. Mishra, O. Sundstrom,
    IEEE SustainIT, Pisa, October 4-5, 2012.
  • Smart*: An Open Data Set and Tools for Enabling Research in Sustainable Homes [PDF]
    Sean Barker, Aditya Mishra, David Irwin, Emmanuel Cecchet, Prashant Shenoy, and Jeannie Albrecht
    Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Data Mining Applications in Sustainability (SustKDD 2012), Beijing, China, August 2012.
  • SmartCharge: Cutting the Electricity Bill in Smart Homes with Energy Storage [PDF]
    Aditya Mishra, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, Jim Kurose, and Ting Zhu
    Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy), Madrid, Spain, May 2012. (Outstanding Synthesis Project Award, SCS UMass 2012)
  • SmartCap: Flattening Peak Electricity Demand in Smart Homes [PDF]
    Sean Barker, Aditya Mishra, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Jeannie Albrecht.
    Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), Lugano, Switzerland, March 2012. (Presented in best papers session)
  • The Case For Efficient Renewable Energy Management for Smart Homes [PDF]
    Ting Zhu, Aditya Mishra, David Irwin, Navin Sharma, Prashant Shenoy, and Don Towsley.
    Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems for Energy-efficiency in Buildings (BuildSys), Seattle, Washington, November 2011
  • Exploiting Home Automation Protocols for Load Monitoring in Smart Buildings [PDF]
    David Irwin, Anthony Wu, Sean Barker, Aditya Mishra, Jeannie Albrecht, and Prashant Shenoy.
    Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems for Energy-efficiency in Buildings (BuildSys), Seattle, Washington, November 2011
  • Beyond MLU : An Application Centric Comparison of Traffic Engineering Schemes [PDF]
    Abhigyan Sharma, Aditya Mishra, Vikas Kumar, Arun Venkataramani.
    INFOCOM, 2011
  • S-OSPF: A Traffic Engineering Solution for OSPF based Best Effort Networks [PDF]
    A. K. Mishra, A. Sahoo.
    IEEE International Conference on Global Communications (Globecom), Washington D.C., November 2007

Other Publications

  • Input on the Real-Time Price distribution protocol for Ecogrid EU WP 3 Task 3.6 [PDF]
    Bernhard Jansen, Carl Binding, Aditya Mishra. September 2012
  • IBM FERN Smart Charging Interface between EV FO and Retailer [PDF]
    Aditya Mishra, Dieter Gantenbein, Bernhard Jansen. July 2012